I’m sure you are enjoying the cool weather in Nigeria right now. Some clients request that we plan outdoor events on their behalf. We always honour their requests but here are few things to bear in mind when hosting outdoor events especially if it’s for an elegant wedding or milestone birthday party.


Back in the day, the weather seasons in Nigeria were predictable.  Between June to late August, heavy rainfalls were expected. So most major events were avoided in that season. But now and due mainly to global warming, the heavy rainfalls can occur in any month. This means that if it rains, most of your guests will not leave their home unless they are close family members or some will not attend until the rains have stopped. You also have to bear in mind that when it rains, it causes major traffic. Marques and large umbrellas are a must as standby for your events.


Aside from the rain, another challenge with outdoor events is the hot weather which can cause all sorts of discomforts especially if it’s held in the middle of the day. Its not unusual to see guests sweating and fanning themselves excessively. Guests are meant to feel comfortable at your event. If possible try to locate an area with a lot of shade or trees and make sure there are enough cooling fans.


Outdoor event attract flies. FACT! They love the smell of delicious food and tasty drinks. The aim of the fly is to dive into the food and drink as fast possible and your guests are left swiping flies away instead enjoying the event. Some caterers attempt to put different devices to keep them away but they don’t often succeed. The flies hide for a little bit and then show up again after a few minutes. Starting your  event nearer the evening is a good way to reduce this challenge.


Have you ever been to an outdoor event,  only to get home and discover that your shoes are damaged. I’m sure any lady reading this can relate. It’s the grounds of an outdoor event that have spoiled the heels.  Most outdoor grounds are uneven and muddy. A flat surface is needed to ensure your guests’ don’t go home with damaged heels.

My advice is to host outdoors events for burial receptions, family fun days, sports events and music concerts but where budget permits, stick to  structured buildings for weddings and milestone parties.

So what has been your experience with outdoor events?  Let us know in the comment box.

Majestically Rare Events have years experience of delivering classy & elegant events with a library of testimonials from satisfied clients.

”Only the best service will do for you”

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